Viagra for different types of ED
Viagra was the first drug to be approved for treating erectile dysfunction in men. And soon after its introduction to the market people started paying more attention to the problem this drug was aimed at resolving. Numerous studies have been undertaken and it’s clear that today people know much more about erectile dysfunction and its nature than they did only 15 years ago. And it turns out that it’s not as simple as it may seem and drugs like Viagra aren’t always an effective solution to the problem.
The main problem is that there are different types of erectile dysfunction, each having its causes and optimal methods of treatment. So when it comes to overcoming impotence the first thing to do is to determine what type of ED is in question exactly. Doctors distinct two major types of ED: psychological and physiological. Besides these two major types there is also an additional one that arises from use of specific medications.
Physiological erectile dysfunction is the most common type of impotence accounting for about 90% of all diagnosed cases. As the name suggests this type of erectile dysfunction is caused by physiological conditions that impede the formation of strong and durable erections. These conditions include diabetes, hypertension, heart diseases, high cholesterol, hormonal imbalance, drug and alcohol abuse, cancer and others. Because most of these conditions affect the blood flow to the penis Viagra is highly effective for treating this type of erectile dysfunction.
Psychological erectile dysfunction is rarer than the previous type yet taking the fact that in US alone there are over 30 million men diagnosed with ED the final figures are rather impressive. This type of male impotence affects the ability to get sexually excited because it concerns the psyche and the nervous system in general. The most common conditions that can cause this type of ED include depression, stress, anxiety disorders, mental illness, relationship problems and others. Using Viagra in these situations is usually ineffective because Viagra cannot affect the ability to relax and get aroused. Going to a psychologist for a session of cognitive therapy and eliminating the initial psychological problems will be more effective.
Another rather common type of ED these days is the one caused by the use of medications. People are used to taking various prescription and non-prescription drugs, many of which are known for their side effects. And there are a lot of drugs that actually affect erectile function while being used. Most common types of medications that can cause ED are antidepressants, muscle relaxants, sedatives, heart disease medications, drugs for mental illness and many others. Overcoming this type of ED is rather simple because it usually wears off after finishing the course of the drug causing the problem.
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